Thursday, June 14, 2012

Personal Addition #12

This post I would just like to mention how much I HATE construction. It always takes way longer than necessary and every time you drive through there's never anyone working! First off, the construction on Sturgeon road is apparently supposed to last 2 years.. what needs to be done that could possibly take that long? Second is Portage. I have no idea what they're doing but it's blocking two lanes right by my house and its so annoying trying drive down it. And third is Kenaston. Driving down Kenaston is literally a maze. Driving home from the U of M especially in rush hour is probably the most painful thing in the world. So much traffic that doesn't move anywhere. And so many pylons which one day I will very likely knock over because they're everywhere! I know the job can't be easy, but they seriously need to do it a bit faster because everyone gets annoyed.

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